
Greece is the birthplace of western civilization and a destination appreciated by historians and sun seekers alike. Athens is the capital and home to the iconic Acropolis, markets, and a living and boisterous culture. The Greek Islands of Mykonos, Santorini, Crete, Rhodos and Corfu provide all the sun and beauty one might wish for and very varied settings ranging from sheer beauty and relaxation to wilderness and exploration. Yacht cruises throughout the islands are a wonderful way to get off the track and see more - or less as you wish


The Cyclades are the most visited of the Greek Islands with the nightlife capital of Mykonos, the beauty of Santorini, and the lesser known Naxos and Paros nearby. Since so much of Greece sits on island chains throughout the Aegean, Ionian and Mediterranean Seas - it is the ideal location for boating.


Crete is the largest of the Greek islands and offers the combination of beach and sea, a wild interior with traditional old world towns, Venetian cities along the shore, and a very different setting and set of experiences from the other islands.